Dash BookingDash Booking

Career Opportunity at Dash Booking

Dash Booking is proud to be 100% Canadian. Our headquarter is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba - the Heard of Canada. At Dash Booking, we make sure all ideas are valued, all voices are heard and all people are treated fairly

Passion Led Us Here

A better way to work at Dash Booking

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours will help you achieve the highest work efficiency without pressure

Working from anywhere

Work-life balance is easier than ever with us

Be a part of an energetic and innovative work environment

We will provide learning, training and practice opportunities to help you reach your full potential. Our team is always supportive, enthusiastic with many years of experience will help you adapt and integrate very quickly with your new job.

Competitive salary and commission structure

The salary + commission scheme will help you ensure your income

Keys for Your Success As

Software Sales

We are looking for a driven relationship builder who knows how to communicate with all types of beauty salons and welcome them into our network. You will be the first point of contact with potential partners in your territory and drive its success.


By phone or in-person sales experience


Result oriented, high energy and positive attitude

Immigrants and International Students

Additional languages are considered an advantage

Your role

Contacting clients by phone or in person to discuss the partnership

Ready to apply?

Send us your CV to merchants@dashbooking.com if you are interested